We’re pleased to announce the speaker lineup and schedule for Sensu Summit 2019, happening September 9-10, 2019! We’ll gather at Revolution Hall in Portland, Oregon for two days of technical talks, workshops, and all the #monitoringlove, featuring talks from the folks at Harvard, NCR, Target, and more. Take a look at the schedule at a glance below, and don’t forget to register to save your seat — early bird tickets are still available.

Day 1: September 9, 2019
Join us on day 1 of Sensu Summit for ecosystem talks & breakout tutorials
8:30am-1:00pm Technical and Customer Advisory Board meetings (plus breakfast and lunch). Interested in participating? Let us know when you register!
1:00pm-1:30pm Welcome keynote from Jef Spaleta, Developer Advocate, Sensu
1:30pm-3:30pm Ecosystem sessions with Puppet & PagerDuty (plus a break to refuel ☕)
3:30pm-4:00pm Moogsoft workshop with Adam Frank, Senior Product Manager, Moogsoft
4:00pm-5:30pm Unconference + breakout tutorials from sponsors Grafana and InfluxData
5:30pm-8:30pm Closing remarks from Caleb, followed by optional drinks on the rooftop bar 😎
Day 2: September 10, 2019
The Sensu user conference, featuring keynotes, sessions, and a panel, followed by an after party
8:00am-9:00am Registration & breakfast (get those donuts! 🍩)
9:00am-9:05am Welcome from Jef Spaleta, Developer Advocate, Sensu
9:05am-9:30am Sensu CEO Caleb Hailey on Sensu as a multi-cloud monitoring control plane
9:30am-10:00am Sensu CTO Sean Porter on scaling Sensu Go
10:05am-10:40am Measuring the right things with Tiffany Longworth, SRE at Zapproved
10:40am-11:10am Break 💃🏽
11:10am-11:35am NCR’s Michael Hedgpeth and TJ Campbell on Sensu at the edge: NCR’s journey to apply Sensu Go to a million (!) IoT global restaurant endpoints
11:35am-12:00pm Harvard’s Molly Duggan on creating order from chaos (AKA, automating monitoring configuration)
12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch 🍽️
1:30pm-2:00pm Panel: The mission-critical role of monitoring in a multi-cloud environment with Sensu co-founders Caleb Hailey and Sean Porter, plus a special guest
2:00pm-2:25pm Sensu VP of Product Anna Plotkin on Sensu Go: then, now, and the future
2:25pm-2:40pm Break 😴
2:40pm-3:15pm Lightning talks:
- Building a security team without becoming “the bad guy” from Doximity’s Ben Abrams, Sr Devops Engineer, Security
- Testing and monitoring and broken things from Sensu’s Nikki Attea
- Seniority by chaos: the changing role of the senior engineering from Lightstep’s James Burns
3:15pm-3:45pm Break ☕
3:45pm-4:10pm Target’s Adam Westman on GoAlert, their on-call scheduling and notification open source product
4:10-4:35pm Talk coming soon
4:35pm-5:00pm Closing keynote from Sensu’s Caleb Hailey
5:00pm-5:15pm Thank you + sendoff from Sensu’s Sean Porter
5:15pm-5:30pm Group photo 📸
5:30pm-8:00pm After party 🍹
Take a look at the schedule for the full lineup (speaker bios and abstracts), and don’t forget to grab your ticket. ICYMI, we’re still accepting submissions for our diversity scholarship — check out the details here and submit your application by July 1. We hope to see you there!